Defines |
#define | BUF_SIZE 4096 |
#define | PHASE_LINK 0 |
#define | PHASE_COUNTER 1 |
#define | PHASE_ACCESS 2 |
#define | PHASE_HOSTS 4 |
Functions |
static void | countm_print_dbcounter_data (p_dbcounter_data_t p_dbcd) |
| prints the contents of the record.
static void | countm_print_enum_imagetype (enum imagetype it, char **r_str) |
| converts imagetype to string for printing.
static int | countm_enum_imagetype (const char *buf, enum imagetype *p_it) |
| converts imagetype string to enum imagetype value.
static void | countm_print_enum_randomtype (enum randomtype rt, char **r_str) |
| converts the randomtype string to a enum randomtype.
static int | countm_enum_randomtype (const char *buf, enum randomtype *p_rt) |
| converts the randomtype to a string for printing.
static void | countm_print_enum_resettype (enum resettype rt, char **r_str) |
| Converts resettype to string for printing.
static int | countm_enum_resettype (const char *buf, enum resettype *p_rt) |
| Converts string resettype to enum resettype.
static void | countm_print_enum_counttype (enum counttype ct, char **r_str) |
| Converts counttype to string for printing.
static int | countm_enum_counttype (const char *buf, enum counttype *p_ct) |
| Converts counttype string to enum counttype.
static void | countm_print_struct_rgb (p_rgb_t p_rgb, char *buf) |
| Converts struct rgb to string for printing.
static int | countm_read_info (char *fn) |
static int | countm_read_info_readline (FILE *fp, char *p_line, int i_len) |
static char * | countm_read_info_islink (char *buf) |
| Tests buf to determine if it is a LINK: statement.
static int | countm_read_info_isaccess (char *buf) |
| Tests buf to determine if it is a DB_ACCESS: label.
int | countm_read_info_iscounter (char *buf) |
| Tests buf to determine if it is a DB_COUNTER: label.
static int | countm_read_info_counteritem (char *buf, p_dbcounter_data_t p) |
| Converts info in buf into data for structure May allocate and define sza_font, sza_bgfile. A value of notdef returns SUCCESS, implies ignore it.
static int | countm_match_extension (const char *fname, const char *pattern) |
| Determines if fname matches pattern.
static int | countm_verify_bgfile (char *fn, enum imagetype *img) |
| Attempts to determine file type via extension.
static void | countm_print_help (char *pc) |
| prints the help message.
static void | countm_rgb_color (const char *hexnum, p_rgb_t rgb) |
| Manipulates rgb color values.
static int | countm_set_atime (p_dbcounter_data_t p_dbcd) |
| creates the atime field from the request time. The "time" is really an ISO 8601 (C99) date: YYYY-MM-DD. ALL Digits! return 0
static int | countm_match_param (const char *p_param, p_cm_param_e p_type) |
static int | countm_parse_option (p_options_record_t p_or, char *p_param) |
| Parses the option, sets info in structure. Checks the option in p_param. If it is a valid option, fills in info in p_or. If it is not a valid option, returns error. If it is a duplicate, returns error. If it is a duplicate command, returns error.
int | main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) |