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countm_dir_config Struct Reference

per-directory-configuration information Each process/child gets a copy of this after forking (if supported). CountmAllowFontsQuery CountmAllowReset CountmDBPriority More...

#include <countm_mod.h>

Data Fields

char * dir
enum countm_state bAllowFontsQuery
enum countm_state bAllowReset
enum countm_state bDBPriority

Detailed Description

per-directory-configuration information Each process/child gets a copy of this after forking (if supported). CountmAllowFontsQuery CountmAllowReset CountmDBPriority

Field Documentation

enum countm_state countm_dir_config::bAllowFontsQuery

CountmAllowFontsQuery directive.

enum countm_state countm_dir_config::bAllowReset

CountmAllowReset directive.

enum countm_state countm_dir_config::bDBPriority

CountmDBPriority directive.

char* countm_dir_config::dir

the directory container/ queryable object

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Jan 7 15:48:40 2006 for mod_countm by  doxygen 1.4.2