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dbcounter_data Struct Reference

The DB_COUNTER data associated with a link. More...

#include <countm.h>

Data Fields

cntval_t cnt
enum imagetype image
enum counttype count
enum randomtype random
enum imagetype bgfile_type
status_t status
int width_val
int point_val
rgb_t bgcolor_val
rgb_t text_val
const char * font
const char * bgfile

Detailed Description

The DB_COUNTER data associated with a link.

Field Documentation

char dbcounter_data::atime[COUNTM_ATIME_LENGTH]

last write date (ctime output). Includes term zero. Format is: "MMM DD YYYY" M=three digit month, DD is two digit day, YYYY is four digit year

rgb_t dbcounter_data::bgcolor_val

the stored default background color

const char* dbcounter_data::bgfile

If status_bgfile==1, the background image.

enum imagetype dbcounter_data::bgfile_type

If status_bgfile==1, the background image type.

cntval_t dbcounter_data::cnt

The acutual value of the counter.

enum counttype dbcounter_data::count

the stored default count type

const char* dbcounter_data::font

If status_font==1, the font.

enum imagetype dbcounter_data::image

the stored default image type

int dbcounter_data::point_val

the stored default point size of font

enum randomtype dbcounter_data::random

the stored default random type

status_t dbcounter_data::status

bit field for various informations

rgb_t dbcounter_data::text_val

the stored default text color

int dbcounter_data::width_val

the stored default chars/digits to return

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Jan 7 15:48:40 2006 for mod_countm by  doxygen 1.4.2