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countent Struct Reference

The structure that stores all the info for the request. The structure that stores all the info parsed from the command line, and used to display the image. Per request data. More...

#include <countm_mod.h>

Data Fields

const char * ce_link
dbcounter_data_t ce_cmd_data
int ce_ignore
int ce_insert
char ce_insert_buffer [INSERT_BUFFER_SIZE]
enum resettype ce_reset
const char * ce_hostname
const char * ce_ipaddr
int ce_hostname_is_ipaddr
char * ce_string
int ce_string_is_number
int ce_link_in_dbcounter
int ce_link_in_dbaccess
int ce_dbcounter_insert
dbcounter_data_t ce_dbcounter_data
p_countm_dir_config_t ce_cdc
p_countm_config_t ce_cc
request_rec * ce_r
const char * ce_qs

Detailed Description

The structure that stores all the info for the request. The structure that stores all the info parsed from the command line, and used to display the image. Per request data.

Field Documentation

p_countm_config_t countent::ce_cc

The per server configuration information for the server handling this request.

p_countm_dir_config_t countent::ce_cdc

The per-directory information for this request.

dbcounter_data_t countent::ce_cmd_data

Link info from query command line. Later, after merging, the data used to display the image.

dbcounter_data_t countent::ce_dbcounter_data

link info from DB_COUNT

int countent::ce_dbcounter_insert

Normally 1. For reset=delete, do not attempt to insert ce_dbcounter_data into DB_COUNTER.

const char* countent::ce_hostname

remote hostname

int countent::ce_hostname_is_ipaddr

non zero if ce_ipaddr is an address

int countent::ce_ignore

0=ignore not given, or not matched. 1=ignore matched

int countent::ce_insert

1= was given, and insert_buffer not empty, 0 = not given

char countent::ce_insert_buffer[INSERT_BUFFER_SIZE]

the insert= command buffer

const char* countent::ce_ipaddr

remote ipaddr

const char* countent::ce_link

the link name, only specified once, NULL=not specified

int countent::ce_link_in_dbaccess

Is link in DB_ACCESS? 0=no, 1=yes

int countent::ce_link_in_dbcounter

Is link in DB_COUNT? 0=no, 1=yes

const char* countent::ce_qs

The URI QUERY_STRING for this request.

request_rec* countent::ce_r

The request record for this request.

enum resettype countent::ce_reset

see enum resettype

char* countent::ce_string

the string to display

int countent::ce_string_is_number

0=>ce_string is a string, 1 = ce_string is a number value

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat Jan 7 15:48:40 2006 for mod_countm by  doxygen 1.4.2